April 2022 Word/Smith is going to be fun. Here’s a quote to get things started:

Monday, April 4th, 2022

‘If you want to go east, don’t go west.’
— Ramakrishna

Woot! Those of you who guessed ‘Wisdom’ as our April theme get a free subscription to Word/Smith. Sign up here. (And yes, we’re way too wise to share or sell your information.)

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Word/Smith™ is a monthly newsletter devoted to a specific theme. It’s free, short, and delivered into your inbox. Your information is never shared. To receive it, sign up here:

Susan is on an extended adventure, and even though the newsletter is on hiatus, you can still subscribe for free and get access to all three years of Word/Smith. She’ll also bring you occasional views of her adventures, all about…of course…Light, and posted through Word/Smith. So stay well, stay adventurous…and stay tuned!