
Monday, December 14th, 2020

This month’s Word/Smith—our last of the year—during the darkest time of the year in the US, is all about Light.  Please join us as we explore this theme.  If you haven’t signed up, you may sign up here.  It’s free, once a month, and your information is never shared.


To our Jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah, celebrating the eight-day Festival of Lights, a miracle first described in the Talmud.

To our Wiccan friends, Holy Yule, celebrating the winter-born king, symbolized by the rebirth of the sun.

And to our Christian friends…Behold! I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people…for unto us…a child is born. 

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Word/Smith™ is a monthly newsletter devoted to a specific theme. It’s free, short, and delivered into your inbox. Your information is never shared. To receive it, sign up here:

Susan is on an extended adventure, and even though the newsletter is on hiatus, you can still subscribe for free and get access to all three years of Word/Smith. She’ll also bring you occasional views of her adventures, all about…of course…Light, and posted through Word/Smith. So stay well, stay adventurous…and stay tuned!